What You Should Know Before Getting a Lip Reduction

Women spend about $313 on their appearance every month. That’s $3,756 a year or $225,360 over the course of a lifetime. In other words, the standard for college tuition!

If you’re working to accomplish your beauty goals this year, don’t waste time or money on ineffective products. Instead, consider cosmetic surgery. For example, lip reduction can help make your lips look smaller.

Don’t rush to book your lip reduction surgery yet, though. Instead, take the time to learn everything you can about this surgical option.

After reading this guide, you can schedule your plastic surgery knowing this treatment option will meet your expectations. Read on to learn everything you need to know about this surgical option today!

What is Lip Reduction Surgery?

Many people already know about lip augmentation surgery, which can make your lips appear fuller. However, you might decide to decrease the volume in your lips instead. You can use lip reduction surgery if you want smaller lips. Lip reduction surgery is considered safe. However, it's important to seek treatment from an experienced, board-certified provider.

This procedure is also called reduction cheiloplasty. You can reduce the size of one or both lips by removing tissue and skin. Your provider will need to create an incision inside of your mouth during the procedure. You’re likely considered an ideal candidate for this cosmetic surgery if you:
 Are born with large lips
 Want to diminish or reverse a previous lip augmentation
 Have a deformation caused by an accident or cleft lips

The procedure works by reducing the volume of your lips. However, it can also improve the symmetry between the lower and upper lips.

What happens during the surgery?

First, a numbing agent or anesthesia will need to take effect. Then, your surgeon will create an incision along the length of your inner lip. They’ll likely create the incision along the wet line (where the dry and wet parts of the lip meet). Different surgeons use different techniques. You can talk to your surgeon about their technique beforehand.

Then, your surgeon will remove excess skin and tissue from the wet side of your lip. The process can take between 15 and 30 minutes. The timing depends on how much tissue they need to remove.

This cosmetic surgery is a type of outpatient procedure. You can likely return home following your surgery. The entire process shouldn’t take longer than an hour. \

You might consider combining reduction surgery with rhinoplasty. Both surgeries could bring your facial features into better proportion.

Pros vs Cons

Before scheduling cosmetic surgery, make sure to find an experienced, licensed provider. They can help you review the pros and cons of this procedure.

For example, lip reduction surgery is ideal for patients who want smaller lips. You won’t have to worry about the appearance of scars. Remember, your provider will make the incision inside your lip. No one will notice the appearance of scars after your procedure.

The procedure is completed using either local or general anesthesia, too. In other words, the procedure is painless. It’s important to note that you’ll need at least two weeks off work in order to recover. It’s normal to experience swelling for about three weeks after the procedure. You’ll have sutures in place, too. 

There are a few complications you'll need to keep in mind as well. For example, you could develop an infection. Hard scar tissue is common, too.

Make sure to find a surgeon who has extensive experience with lip reduction surgery. Their prior experience can help you avoid complications.

Make sure to follow your surgeon's instructions regarding aftercare as well.

It's also common to experience:
 Tingling
 Numbness
 Tightness

You might experience these side effects for weeks or even months while your nerves regrow. These side effects aren't permanent.

In some cases, you might notice asymmetrical results. You might need to correct the results with revision surgery.


Lip reduction surgery averages between $1,000 and $3,000. Prices can vary based on where you live. The provider's experience level can impact the price as well.

Other variables include the type of anesthesia you choose and how much tissue is removed during the procedure.

It's important to note that lip reduction surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery. It's likely your medical care or insurance provider won't cover the procedure. 

You can read about this lip reduction service here.

Recovery Time

The recovery process usually takes one to two weeks. Your overall recovery time can vary based on how major the reduction was. Your stitches will need to remain in place for about a week. You can have your surgeon remove them. Otherwise, the stitches should dissolve.

You'll likely have a line of small stitches across the inside of one or both lips. You might experience some pain, numbness, and swelling. Bleeding is a possible side effect, too. Use ice packs to reduce the swelling. Otherwise, talk to your doctor about the pain medication you should take.

You should also talk to your provider about making adjustments to your diet.

For example, you'll need to stick to smoothies and other soft foods. Try to avoid high-acid foods like citrus fruits. Otherwise, they could irritate or sting around the incision site.

Your surgeon might recommend you rinse your mouth using an antiseptic mouthwash. You might need to use the mouthwash multiple times a day. Rinsing your mouth will ensure the incision remains clean.

Remember, it's normal to feel tingling, numbness, or tightness. These side effects are normal. The tingling indicates your nerves are coming back online.

You won't notice the full results of your lip reduction surgery until the swelling subsides. The entire healing process can take three to six months after surgery.

Longed For Lips: Everything You Need to Know Before a Lip Reduction

Don't rush to schedule lip reduction surgery without talking to a surgeon first. They can help you review your treatment options. With their help, you can make sure plastic surgery is ideal for your long-term goals.

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