6 Most Common Types of STDs

A person who is sexually active or adopts some sexual behaviour is at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), especially if he does not have much information about the partner.

The risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections is particularly significant in the case of people with active sexual life and multiple sexual partners, which is why the age group most exposed to this risk is young people and adolescents aged 15-25 years.

Contraception of a sexually transmitted disease can be prevented in over 90% of cases by using preventive and protective measures, but in the case of other forms of sexual behaviour, the risk of a sexually transmitted infection cannot be avoided.


Find out from the article below how dangerous sexually transmitted diseases are and what complications they can cause.

1. Syphilis – one of the most dangerous STDs

Most often asymptomatic at first, syphilis is one of the most contagious sexually transmitted diseases caused by the Treponema Pallidum bacterium. Syphilis is mainly transmitted through sexual contact, regardless of its type, and can rarely be transmitted through prolonged kissing or direct contact with organs affected by disease manifestations.

Symptoms of syphilis are initially represented by a wound with a circular shape that appears in the intimate area. With the evolution of the disease, signs of syphilis are the appearance of a specific irritation on the palms, feet or other areas of the body, accompanied by inflammation of the lymph, fever, hair loss, fatigue.

If not appropriately treated, syphilis can affect vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, eyes, and brain, and may cause paralysis, loss of vision, and even the death of the infected person. You can detect it with the help of a test you can find on http://www.homestdkits.net/. Caught in time, syphilis can be treated with an antibiotic.

2. Gonorrhoea infection

In the top of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhoea infection is particularly dangerous because it can cause infertility, both for women and men.

For women, the symptoms of gonorrhoea are a pain, abnormal leakage, urge to urinate – manifestations that can be confused with signs of a simple urinary infection. In advanced phases, it causes skin irritation and can spread to the other organs.

In men, gonorrhoea infection translates into inflammation of the testicles, a feeling of urticaria, abnormal leakage and general discomfort in the genital area. Gonorrhoea infection can be treated with antibiotics.

3. Chlamydia or Chlamydia infection

Another infection with asymptomatic sexual transmission at first, but particularly dangerous is Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Not properly treated, this sexually transmitted infection causes infertility.

Chlamydia-infected women have symptoms such as pain during intercourse, abnormal leakage, and a specific odour, stomach ache, and pain in urination. Men with chlamydia suffer from sensations of genitals, pain in urination and unusual secretions.

4. Non-genitalia

Even though it is not a sexually transmitted disease because the leading cause of genital warts is infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), genital warts are contagious through simple contact, which means that during sexual intercourse the healthy person can contract this condition.

The main symptoms of the appearance of genital warts are the appearance of some growths in the intimate area, which sometimes can be painful and can cause discomfort during intercourse, sometimes they may go unnoticed.

It is important to know that HPV infections and, implicitly, the appearance of genital warts can be prevented by administering the anti-HPV vaccine.


5. Lice

Pubic lice are parasites transmitted only through sexual contact and cause significant discomfort to the affected person. Intense itching and irritation manifest pubic parasites in the intimate area.

Check out extra resources for chlamydia

6. Trichomonas vaginalis

Trichomonas vaginalis is a microscopic parasite, encountered all over the globe, especially in areas where sexual education is lacking, causing a sexually transmitted disease called trichomoniasis.

It can live inside the male or female urethra and can become active with the onset of sexual life. In other environments, outside of the human body, the parasite can only survive for a few hours. Cases of transmission other than sexual intercourse are sporadic. It is a sexually transmitted infection, so from one infected partner to another.

For women, the parasite usually affects the vagina, uterine cervix, urethra, and bladder. In men, the infection develops in the urethra or the foreskin (in the uncircumcised). Also, the virus can be transmitted from mother to fetus, during delivery, via the vaginal passage.

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